Embracing the PAUSE...

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Over the  last four days I’ve been in bed ill.

The last time I had even just a cough was over a year ago, however every time I used to get ill in my 20s and early 30s it was always a very frustrating time.

I was always rushing like a busy bee from one thing to another burning the candle at both ends until I crashed. I would then turn into this monster of a patient full of frustration and anger because I couldn’t do what I felt like I needed to do.

As soon as I felt better I’d then leap into action trying to make up for ‘lost time’. 

Reflecting  on this now, I feel super different to those days.

Although in bed I embraced this time as an opportunity to pause. 

Pausing is the foundation of Play Healing. It’s the only thing that truly helped me to truly realign, reflect and make changes in my life was to pause.

When we pause we can look around and find alternative ways of reacting and responding.

I had to look at how I was responding to the girls - what must it feel like to have a frustrated angry, busy and disconnected mum at times? 

For the last few years I’ve banished the word ‘busy’ from my vocabulary. 

It’s an ugly word. 

If I’m busy - that’s my fault for not giving the most important things the time that’s needed. Saying you’re busy, I believe, puts a barrier up for connection between one person and another.

Yes l love having a full and energetic life, however it’s taken years off creating healthy boundaries and making many many painful mistakes (yep still making them) to get to the point where I embrace the pause. 

Pausing is my friend 😊. 

Even being ill is a chance to pause and reflect on what is really truly most important right now. 

I invite you to embrace pause before your body tells you to.

Maybe you’re currently struggling with low levels of depression lack of motivation or overwhelm - these are all things that I’ve experienced over the years and I’ve come to a place of now be able to offer what I feel is a wonderful answer to all of this.

It’s such a privilege to work with some remarkable people on their journeys as they take the time to pause with me and find freedom from business, mum guilt and fear. 

Here’s to a calmer, happier future for you and your family.

Much love x Debi

P.S If this is you and you are ready to do something about it then let me know.