Posts in Parenting
Video Game Mindfulness for Mums

My name is Andy Roberton and I regularly work with families finding video games a bit of a stress. Together we find ways to understand and interpret the behaviour around video games as a step towards healthier more productive relationships with this inescapable aspect of childhood (we may wish we could just lock away in a high cupboard).

While some of this work is helping children regulate their gaming and find a wider set of things to do, it also involves helping parents get a better understanding of what video games are from playing them first-hand.

Finding a game that you as an adult actually enjoy as a pastime can revolutionise your relationship with a child who loves gaming. I’m not suggesting you will enjoy Fortnite or Minecraft. You might, but it’s unlikely you’d choose that rather than Netflix and a glass of red wine in the evening.

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Embracing the PAUSE...

I was always rushing like a busy bee from one thing to another burning the candle at both ends until I crashed. I would then turn into this monster of a patient full of frustration and anger because I couldn’t do what I felt like I needed to do.As soon as I felt better I’d then leap into action trying to make up for ‘lost time’.

Reflecting on this now, I feel super different to those days.

Although in bed I embraced this time as an opportunity to pause.

Pausing is the foundation of Play Healing. It’s the only thing that truly helped me to truly realign, reflect and make changes in my life was to pause.

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