Is Tech Killing Our Ability to Play?

As a mum, I was becoming increasingly frustrated trying to catch my children's attention as they became more and more absorbed on their devices. I started to feel frustrated when calling them for dinner at the top of my lungs, and no-one would respond. Or having everyone in the same room as each other in utter silence, all glued to their phones or computer screens. 

I wondered how we'd got into this situation? Why were they so irritable when coming off devices? I was suddenly the worst mum in the world for suggesting that they join us for dinner together as a family!

Could food be something they’d be happy to miss out on just to have more time on their phone?

After talking to other parents who seemed to be struggling with the same issues, I wanted to find a solution and work out why it was so hard to hear and respond to others whilst in front of a screen. What was actually going on in their brain?

When I realised how the parent-child relationship affects the development of a child's brain, I found that the power of play is essential when forming healthy connections in the brain.

As I began digging deeper I realised how Therapeutic Play and Theraplay - a fun way of encouraging healthy interaction between parent and child through simple games & activities, could be part of the answer.

As a practising therapist I witnessed incredible transformation in the relationships between parents and more importantly the effect it had on the child’s behaviour and ability to regulate themselves through play. 

Theraplay is endorsed by some of the world's leading neuroscientists & therapists including trauma specialists Bessel van der Kolk and Peter Levine so I knew I was onto something. I realised the importance of engaging with parents and my need to pursue healthy connection through play.

"Sometimes when we get lost in the business of life we also lose the ability to relax & play."

Play includes: singing, playing instruments, dancing, constructing, painting, sculpting, role-play, puppets, outdoor games, climbing tree’s, swinging, sliding, crawling, hide & seek, reading, storytelling, the list goes on.

When we are tired or overwhelmed with responsibility - something that I feel regularly! We forget that our children pick up on even the smallest cues. Our smile turns into a worried frown, or we start barking commands at our children instead of playfully engaging and interacting with them.

I often feel the need to immediately reply to an e-mail or message and this impulsivity means my thoughts become more fragmented and then I take even longer to finish the piece of work I’m trying to deliver. This cumulative stress thanks to tech means I feel agitated instead of relaxed and cheerful - powerful ingredients for joyful play and connection.


Children need the presence of at least one positive adult cheering them on through life to thrive and not just survive and we have the opportunity to be that person if we carve out quality time to be present and play. I believe play can continue right up into adulthood and why not! It just may take different forms!

Join me in my quest to equip families & futureproof the relationship we have with our children and find a balance again between tech & play.